Weather Data

We take weather data at each exposure site.

Item Unit Kirishima
Exposure Site
Exposure Site
Exposure Site
Observing Station
Environment acid
acid environment
Latitude 31°41' N
Longitude 130°49' E
Elevation 322
Avg. Temp.
Avg. Max. Temp.
Avg. Min. Temp.
Avg. Ambient RH
Total Radiant Energy MJ/m²
UV Radiant Energy (300-400nm) MJ/m²
Amount of Rainfall mm
Wind Speed m/s
Wetting Time h
PH Value of Rain Water △※) △※) △※)
Ion Concentration in Rainwater
mg/l △※) △※) △※) △※)
Amount of Ashfalls g/m²
Amount of Sea salt aerosol mgNaCl/(m²・d)

※)※We trap and measure rainfall in containers monthly. (We measure the containers every time it rains at the Kirishima Exposure Site.)

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Yoshimatsu Observing Station
Standard site for our evaluations and weather data,scarcely affected by volcano and sea salt particles.
[Distance from the sea: about 30km.]

Kushikino Exposure Site
Kushikino Exposure Site
Opening in December.
Along the East China Sea. It is in an environment of severe erosion by sea salt particles.
[Distance from the sea: about 30m.]

Sakurajima Exposure Site
Sakurajima Exposure Site
Located directly below Sakurajima, severe acid environment affected by volcanic gas and ashfall.
[Distance from the sea: about 20m.]

Kirishima Exposure Site
Kirishima Exposure Site
Main exposure site.
It is severely affected by acid rain, fog, and volcanic ash.
[Distance from the sea: about 2km.]